The Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council has kicked off its busiest time of year, which started last week with a Christmas shopping trip for local families in need.
Last weekend, the Branch County Community Foundation’s Youth Advisory Council (YAC) members continued their tradition of Christmas Shopping for the holidays.
Each year, YAC partners with local organizations and shops for Christmas presents for families with children. This is one of the Youth Advisory Council’s favorite events of the year, and this year, YAC was pleased to have the local Meijer Store (#179) donate $200 towards the cause! Along with their donation, the wonderful employees assisted YAC members in their shopping process and dedicated their time to assist in the check-out process as well.

After spending several hours shopping for the gifts, YAC members, including current members and alumni, spent the rest of the morning and afternoon wrapping and delivering gifts for 48 individuals in Branch County. The families they sponsored this year are supported by the Branch County Coalition Against Domestic and Sexual Violence, Teen Share, and Family Promise. YAC even got to tour the new Child Advocacy Center and learn about the impact it will have on our local community.

The Youth Advisory Council’s busy season is just getting underway. They are currently conducting a Youth Needs Assessment which was designed with the intent to learn more about the concerns and issues that the youth in our community face on a regular basis. The survey results will help YAC determine what programs and services they are going to help fund this year with their Youth Grant Cycle dollars. The survey can be found on the Branch County Community Foundation’s Facebook page.
The Youth Grant Cycle opens in January and accepts applications for projects and programs that directly and exclusively benefit young people ages 0 – 21. Grant applications will be accepted from January 1 through January 31, 2023. Visit BCCF’s website for more information and to apply.

The Branch County Community Foundation is a non-profit organization and a nationally accredited community foundation that serves communities in Branch County and Colon, Michigan by supporting charitable giving, building permanent endowments, and connecting community resources. For more information about becoming a board member, please contact the Branch County Community Foundation by calling 517.278.4517 or visit their website at www.BrCoFoundation.org.